15 Minutes
Elin Oresten
⚠️ Jordnöt
⚠️ Stenfrukt
⚠️ Sesam
Barnsäker och supergod granola. Denna granola är mjuk, smakrik och perfekt för små bar att äta med t ex en tjock yoghurt. Inga hårda bitar eller vassa kanter. Den är dessutom boostad med så mycket bra näring.

- 1 stor mogen banan
2 msk rapsolja
1,5 msk jordnötssmör (osötad och osaltat)
2 msk sesamfrön
1 dl havregryn
1 dl boveteflingor
1 dl finmixade pumpakärnor
6 torkade osvavlade aprikoser
1 tsk kanel
1,5 krm vaniljpulver
Flower Bowl - Ocher
Produkter vi har använt
Do this:
Put the oven on at 180 degrees.
Mix the banana or mash it with a fork. Mix with oat milk, oil and possibly peanut butter.
- Blanda de torra ingredienserna i en annan skål och rör sedan ner i bananblandningen. Hacka aprikoserna fint och blanda i.
Brush a little oil on a baking sheet. Place the mixture on the baking sheet and spread into a large square that is about 1.5 cm high. Into the oven for about 15 min.
Let cool before cutting the square into pieces according to age. Store in a jar in a dry place or in the fridge.
👶 From 6 to 9 months
- serve in long soft sticks
👶 From 10 months and up
-serve in small soft pieces 👉 When the child is big enough to eat harder pieces (has the ability to bite off small pieces and chews well, around 2 years) you can make the granola more crunchy by sprinkling the batter on the plate instead and keep it in for about 30 minutes until it solidifies considerably and takes on color
Recipe listing
Nutrition (selected portions):
💪 Fat from canola oil and peanut butter
💪 Protein from flatbread (if you choose it)
💪 Carbohydrates from banana, oatmeal and apricots
💪 Calcium and magnesium from coconut, apricots and pumpkin seeds
💪 Vitamin C from apricots
💪 Potassium from banana