Smoothie barn

Tips on ingredients for smoothies for babies

Posted by Elin Oresten on

Smoothies - favorite ingredients for making smoothies🍌🍓🥭 

When preparing smoothies, try to use the following ingredients:

🥛A base - Greek yogurt, oat milk, coconut milk or silken tofu.

🍓One or two types of berries - raspberries for flavor and vitamins, for example.

 🥑A fat source - avocado, nut butter, or a neutral-flavored oil

🥜An ingredient for creaminess - banana or mango.

🌾 Iron fortification - often various seeds such as hemp seeds, sesame or chia seeds, or mixed pumpkin seeds An additional carbohydrate/fiber source (sometimes) - oatmeal or oat bran for extra fiber (good for gut flora and satiety)

You can create so many different good combinations with the above ingredients. For example: 2 cups of oat milk, 1 cup of water, 1 banana, 1 cup of raspberries, 2 tablespoons of almond butter, 1 tablespoon of hemp seeds and 1 cup of oatmeal (recipe for 2). Yummie!😋 

Tip: Serve it in Kattenplock's own straw cup (like the one in the picture). This works well and she can then drink it all by herself.


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