Om plockmat till barn och massa mer. Allt är skrivet av vår grundare Elin Oresten lic.kostrådgivare.

Lär ditt barn att äta självständigt med sked
Elin Oresten

Det finns många fördelar med att börja öva på att äta självständigt med sked tidigt. Guide till tre enkla steg till ett självständigt skedätande för ditt barn och våra bästa...


8 tips när ditt barn inte vill äta

When the child does not eat

Elin Oresten
By Elin Oresten

Pick food and BLW are great in many ways when it comes to creating joy in eating, but sometimes it can be difficult to get...

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tips vad man ska tänka på när man börjar med BLW/plockmat

7 tips what to think about when you start with BLW/pick food

Elin Oresten
By Elin Oresten

How do you start with BLW/pick food?🥕🍗 🥑Tips on what to think about when you start with BLW or pick food. BLW/pick food:1. Make sure...

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Hur påverkar jag min bebis matupplevelse?

Children's first food experiences can have great significance for their future relationship with food

Elin Oresten
By Elin Oresten

There are many reasons to introduce food through foraging. Among other things, it is about the child being able to discover and explore food himself by...

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är det risk att barn kan sätta i halsen med BLW

Babies who are fed pick-me-up food are not at greater risk of choking

Elin Oresten
By Elin Oresten

It can be scary to start pick food/BLW. As soon as the baby makes any sound that may indicate that he is in the throat,...

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Smoothie barn

Tips on ingredients for smoothies for babies

Elin Oresten
By Elin Oresten

Smoothies - favorite ingredients for making smoothies🍌🍓🥭 When preparing smoothies, try to use the following ingredients: 🥛A base - Greek yogurt, oat milk, coconut milk or...

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Kan man ge pasta till bebisar?

Can you give pasta to babies?

Elin Oresten
By Elin Oresten

Pasta is a food you can introduce to your baby as soon as it is ready for solid food. In this post, I have collected...

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Introducera smaksensationer för barn

Introduce children to taste

Elin Oresten
By Elin Oresten

Did you know that children may need to be exposed to a taste up to 10-15 times before they appreciate it? 😋 🥦

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Kan man ge ris till barn?

Can you give rice to children?

Elin Oresten
By Elin Oresten

Rice and rice products are foods that should not be given too much to children. I therefore thought that I would clarify a little what...

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När kan man börja med plockmat?

When can you start with BLW? 😊 🥕 🥦

Elin Oresten
By Elin Oresten

When you choose to introduce food to your baby is entirely up to you and your family. Some choose to start with taste sensations at...

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Elins historia

Därför startade jag Knatteplock