Kan man ge ris till barn?

Can you give rice to children?

Posted by Elin Oresten on

Rice is a common part of many families' diets, but when it comes to young children, you should be a little careful with the amount of rice and rice products. Here you will find out more about rice for children, why it may be good to limit it, and what you can give as an alternative.


How much rice can children eat?

Recommendations for rice for young children

The Swedish National Food Agency recommends that children under 6 years of age do not eat rice and rice products, such as rice porridge, rice noodles and rice snacks, more than four times a week. It is also a good idea to avoid rice cakes and rice drinks. Porridge and gruel made from rice can contain arsenic, so it is smart to vary it with other varieties. This reduces the risk of your child ingesting too much arsenic, which is a substance naturally found in rice.

Why is arsenic in rice?

Arsenic is found in bedrock and ends up in rice when groundwater is used for cultivation. The amount of arsenic in rice varies depending on the variety, the area where it is grown, and how it is grown. Although rice is a common part of the diet in many parts of the world, this does not mean that it is always safe to eat large amounts.

Ris till barn

But children in other parts of the world eat a lot of rice, right?

It's a good question, but one that doesn't have an obvious answer. One reason could be that the bedrock in some parts of the world contains less arsenic, which means the rice also contains less arsenic. But there are also areas where both adults and children have had symptoms of poisoning. So, it doesn't seem like everyone is doing well from eating a lot of rice.

Things to consider when giving rice to children

What can happen if you eat too much rice?

Eating a lot of rice over a long period of time can negatively affect your health due to arsenic. The concentration of arsenic in rice varies depending on the variety, growing area, growing method, and preparation method. Arsenic is carcinogenic and frequent high exposure can also cause many other health effects, such as cardiovascular disease, liver damage, and chronic cough. Children are generally more sensitive to high intakes of arsenic.

Follow the Swedish National Food Administration's recommendation of rice no more than 4 times a week. As always, it is important to eat a varied diet, i.e. different types of food, and to vary between different brands of rice to reduce the risk of the child ingesting too much arsenic.

Tips to reduce risk

  • Vary your diet: Give children other grains such as quinoa, bulgur, couscous or potatoes.
  • Change brands: Use different brands and types of rice products to spread the risk.
  • Reduce the amount of rice products: Give rice and rice products no more than four times a week.
  • Choose other types of porridge and gruel: Try oat, corn or buckwheat porridge and gruel.
Ris till bebis

Frequently asked questions about rice for children

1. Can you give rice to children?

Yes, rice can be given to children occasionally, but it is important not to overdo it and to vary it with other foods.

2. Is rice dangerous for children?

Rice in large quantities may be unsuitable for children due to arsenic. However, by following the recommendations, you can minimize the risks.

3. What can you give instead of rice to children?

You can vary it with grains such as quinoa, bulgur, couscous, as well as potatoes and other root vegetables.

Recipes with rice:

Discover our divided children's plates:

Summary: rice for children

It's perfectly okay to give rice to young children from time to time, but it's important to keep an eye on the amount and vary it with other foods.

By being aware of this advice, you can contribute to a safer and healthier diet for your child.

Source reference:

Swedish National Food Agency, Food, Arsenic in rice

Elin Oresten Knatteplock

/Elin Oresten

Lic. nutritionist and founder of Knatteplock.

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Cook picky food at home

Children love to imitate, by eating the same food it facilitates learning and makes mealtime a positive experience of togetherness. As a parent you don't have to feed but can sit next to and enjoy the food.

Picking food gives children the opportunity to explore a variety of textures and consistencies at their own pace. This can lead to a healthier relationship with food and a greater enjoyment of eating. By offering different textures and flavors, the child gets a broader taste palette, and there is a greater chance that the appetite will continue even during the naturally picky period that usually comes around two years. Research shows that children who are introduced to a more varied diet from the start eat more variety and more vegetables later in life.

  • Promotes exploration and independence at mealtime.
  • Develops early chewing skills.
  • Simplifies family meals and strengthens community.

Why pick-me-up?

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Promotes exploration and independence at the meal
Develops early chewing abilities
Simplifies family meal time and strengthens the community

Market leader on products for children's independent eating

Encourage the joy of eating by letting your child explore flavors and textures on their own. Start the food adventure today - we are here for you and your child through messes, discoveries and challenges.
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nybörjarsked till bebisar

Frequently asked questions about takeaway food

Finger food is a way of offering food where the baby/child eats themselves either with their hands or with a spoon.

Finger foods give children the opportunity to explore a variety of textures and consistencies at their own pace, from an early age. This can lead to a healthier relationship with food and greater enjoyment of eating.

Make sure your baby shows signs of being ready for solid foods. She should be able to sit up in a chair on her own, be able to bring objects to her mouth on her own, and show an interest in food. Maybe your baby is reaching for your food or looking at your plate with fascination, then there is probably interest!

Consider offering foods that are fairly soft but easy to grasp. For example, sweet potato sticks, slices of liver pâté, cooked broccoli or omelette/pancake strips. Sandwiches with butter and/or liver pâté are also perfect for practicing motor skills. Slippery foods that are difficult to grasp can be rolled in seeds or sandwich crumbs. For example, avocado or banana. But in general, it is good to offer the baby what the rest of the family eats as often as possible.

Small babies don't have a pincer grip so it's big pieces that matter at first. The pieces should be longer than the palm of their hand because small babies (6 months) often can't open their palm on request. It may feel scary but it's actually safer with bigger pieces than smaller pieces when it's a small baby! If they take too big bites they spit it out again.

Read more here.

Many people worry about how their children will be able to chew finger foods without teeth. The good news is that it goes very well. Young children process food with their tongue, palate and toothless jaws.

Children only get molars when they are a little older (over 1 year old) and waiting to introduce solid foods until then can have negative consequences for the child's eating development.

Children don't learn to chew by eating puree, they learn to chew by practicing chewing different textures in their mouths.

Read more here.